Since 1995 we are mainly active in the domain of gear technique. As a representative for manufacturers of gear producing machines, gear testing machines and tooling, we have received intensive knowledge in all technologies and part dimensions.
Interested in customer specifications, we will search for the most economic solutions for producing gears. We like the unusual, the innovative and the vision.
Today the ZÜFLE GmbH is trading of modernized and second hand gear machines. Additional we supply also machine tools in good condition. On our shop you can find also much tooling.
We invite you to inspect machines and tooling in our stock in Würzburg, which is about 1h away from Frankfurt airport.
In this homepage you can find actual quotes, technical datas and pictures of all machine tools
Contact us for questions by email info@zuefle.com or by tel. +49-9334-9786080.
Please see for yourself, that beside best machines and tools, service is our most important product.
Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Züfle

On 800 m² we have an extensive warehouse with spare parts and accessories from the following areas:
- Electronics
- Hydraulics
- Pneumatics
- Tools
- Machine accessories
- Operating equipment
- Laboratory equipment
- Measuring technology
We deliver the parts worldwide. Your inquiries will be processed either in our shop
or send us an email at info@zuefle.com

Züfle GmbH
Levi-Strauss-Str. 121
D-97232 Giebelstadt
+49 (0) 9334-978608-0
+49 (0) 9334-978608-2